неделя, 26 септември 2010 г.

i'm donna..i am simply complicated • i'm just an average girl living an average life • i am nobody to most and somebody to few • i live in my own world • i am random..(hence the order of this list) • my life has been blessed and cursed at once • i am a strange girl.. i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing • i am perfect only in my imperfections •
• i can tell a lot about a person just by looking in into their eyes • some people scare me • i can see right through people • i am usually a good judge of character, although i've made my mistakes • i never truly finish anything i start • i am loyal • i have tons of acquaintances and very few genuine friends • I used to be jealous of people with lots of close best friends • now I realize i'm the lucky one with my special few •

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